colliehauler wrote:
I have owned 8 RV's and never had a frig or A/C failure, if I do these are not rv brand specific and can be replaced anywhere. If that close dealer gives you the warm fuzzy feeling by all means purchase from them. My seasonal RV is 900 miles from the dealer and will probably never see that dealer again. I do have a issue with a rotten floor in a slide but I can have a RV tech put a new one in. I agree that Lippert and quality don't belong in the same sentence.
Your not reading. I've had my share of RV's as well. 4 new units in the last 6 years. I've also never had an AC or fridge failure. That doesn't mean it's not a frequent even just like any other cheap RV appliance. Your limited experience in the grand scheme of things is again, anecdotal. Look it up. It's like saying, "I've always owned a Chevy and never had an issue." While that is great for you, it means nothing about their reliability.
Your also not reading about my experience. I bought my current RV from a dealer 900 miles away and fixed most things myself because I can. That's not the norm.
So, in the end, this isn't an attack on out of state dealers or direct buy manufactures. Only a statement that buying from one can present additional challenges when things go wrong. Do an internet search for folks having trouble with a non selling dealer refusing or dragging their feet on warranty work. Get back to me in 18 months when you've read about 10 percent of the threads about it.