Forum Discussion

jepalmer's avatar
Jun 19, 2014

slide leak

The last two times we have traveled in heavy rain, the rug on the trailing edge of the slide has gotten soaked. The rubber seals are visually in good order (2008 rig)

Suggestions on how to troubleshoot?
  • Had this problem on a 2011 Cameo, while new. Went to an independent service man, as Cameo dealer would not work on it, and he made a bracket and pulled the slide in closer to the frame. For some reason the bottom of the slide was bowing out. It too was coming off the tires. Does happen at times.
  • We had this problem on a 2004 model trailer. It was very bad and I won't name the manufacturer. It only leaked while running down the road. The floor would be completely soaked. Like gallons. Dealer tried three times to fix at 1 month - 6 weeks per visit.We were not HAPPY CAMPERS ! The water was slinging off the tires and going in from the bottom of the slide. I ended up screwing a piece of 2" aluminum angle iron to the bottom of the slide then I put a D seal on angle iron that would seal against the trailer when the slide closed. We had no more leaks. Good luck with yours because water leaks are very destructive to a trailer.