Forum Discussion

abc40kids's avatar
Apr 03, 2014

Slide Question

My main living room slide has always dropped a little into position when it just reaches full extension but here lately it seems to struggle a little more to get out right at the end and then seems to drop a bit more than it used to at full extension.

I looked under the slide and it doesn't appear that they have moved out of adjustment. There is a adjustment bolt that won't allow the slide to drop past the way it was set up new. 2006 Cardinal 362BHS. The hydraulic fluid looks like it always has, need to pull the manual out and see where full is, there is a line on the canister...... The fluid is just under it but not sure if that line even means anything.

I pulled the slides out today and they came out all the way, just seemed to struggle a little more than normal and there at the end drop more than normal into place.

Any thoughts, thanks
  • check your slide floor outside under the trailer. Some are screwed in from underneath and it could be sagging due to water damage or weight over the years. I always tell folks not to be stepping on the slide floor when it is retracted.
  • Like the others have said, your hydraulic pump requires strong battery current. Also if it is cool where you are they do not move as fast as the fluid is a bit thicker which requires the pump to work harder to push the fluid to the rams. Good luck.
  • Good battery voltage is needed for proper slide operation.
    That also means good, clean tight connections........battery posts, ground strap, connections at hydraulic pump.

    And reservoir level should be checked with slides IN.....then level should be 1" from top.

    If you add fluid (Probably ATF) with slides out.......then the reservoir will overflow when you retract slides.