Forum Discussion

BHD108's avatar
May 27, 2018

Started renovating....can everything be replaced

I recently purchased a 1997 Wildwood 5th wheel. It's about 27 FT.

I wanted to remove the flooring and fix it up a bit as I feel there is some mold and mildew. I took the bed frame apart, had to destroy the base. Then started ripping up the carpet, but the closets on either side are sitting on the carpet so I started to try and take those apart, and I ripped up one panel.

I feel like I'm opening up a can of worms here. Can these panels be replaced easily? I still have not figured out how to remove the closets (or whatever they are called) as they are secured in there pretty good.

I'm also considering taking the interior walls off so that I can bleach any mold behind them, but again worried that they will come off without being destroyed, or that I can replace them without it costing a ton, or being hard to find.

  • Some construction screws the cabinets from the outside before the siding goes on. You must break out the sawzall for these.
  • So, in other words it is a lot of work? I'm finding it to be a real ordeal just to remove the moldy carpet. The closet is so well screwed in that I cannot figure out how to remove it after having removed about a dozen screws. Am I missing something?
  • No, you won't find pre-made panels to replace the existing panels. You'll have to fabricate them yourself.
  • As stated above, Lowes or Home Depot sell thin plywood that works fine. I tore out cabinets and rebuilt them three times in my Aliner and now am starting on me new to me tent trailer. Not hard to do and you get what you want when you do it yourself. I have fun doing it, hope you do too.
  • Mpst big box stores will sell pre finished thin wall board. Thats all it is, covered with a printed paper. As a last ditch cover the walls with 1/8 inch ply wood and wall paper, or paint.
  • Thanks.

    My bottom line question is, if I start ripping things out like walls and furniture panels is it easy to find replacement material? Like can you buy it at Home Depot, or is it specialized stuff that is hard to find and expensive?
  • All RVs are built from the floor up aith everything placed insude before the walls go up. So the only real way is to disassemble everyrthing in reverse order, or simply rip the stuff out. Hoping you dont damage too much in the process.