B.O. Plenty wrote:
mileshuff wrote:
pcm1959 wrote:
I liberally spray Slip Plate on all the hitch moving parts including the pin, capture plate, jaws, and tubes. Hitch has performed flawlessly in 3 years of use with no wear marks. Phillip
Do you use only slip plate spray on the pin and jaws and no grease? Pullrite only mentions slip plate for the rails on the older hitches hat predate use of the plastic wear plates.
There is no reason to grease or lube the kingpin on a Super Glide hitch. It doesn't do anything more than to lock the pin to the hitch. Nothing moves against it or rotates on it. All the movement when you turn is done by the hitch mechanism. I have close to 20,000 miles on mine and still have paint on my kingpin from when it was new.
Sure went off topic a bit.
Older SGs - instructions are/were to lubricate
the way tubes with white lithium grease.
That was BSP - "Before Slip Plate" was recommended in lieu of the white lithium.
Which evolved into the plastic covered way tubes and lube with WD-40.
Rather than "opinions", here's what
PullRite "Owner / Operator Instructions" (2006) state:
1. 5th WHEEL PLATE: The plate and it's moving parts should be lubricated with a light lubricant such as WD-40, 3-in-1 oil, or Silicone Spray Lubricant, before each trip as needed.
2. WAYS/GLIDE TUBES: The Ways (or Glide Tubes) should be liberally lubricated each day of use. It is essential that you use white lithium grease or other light weight, medium duty grease on top and inward facing sides of Way Tubes.
{*as noted, instructions are from *before* SP and covered Way Tubes}
3. KING PIN: Be sure the trailer KING PIN is clean and free from rust. A light covering of WD-40 or other similar lubricant should be used on the King Pin."
(End quote. Note: numbers, CAPS and
bold - are PullRite's.)
BTW the paint on my King Pin wore off long ago - at about two hundred miles, LOL! - and while the WD-40 isn't needed for *lubrication*, it does prevent rust.
Also, while hitching, there *is* metal to metal contact.
Guess you could re-paint it for #3..;)