No matter what you decide all I will add is to CHECK, CHECK, CHECK CHECK with the "County" Zoning departments for the county where you decide to buy property.
I spent a year looking for open land to do what you want to do.
And I found that no matter how deep into the woods you go it doesn't matter, because almost all County Zoning Boards across the USA have been pressured to bring their zoning codes up to snuff with all the new environmental laws and statutes.
They are just looking at a map and boundaries NOT concentration of homes or not, open woods or not. They blanket the new zoning codes per county lines and nothing more. The 'local town offices' will most likely NOT even know of all the zoning codes in place. You HAVE to go to the "County Zoning Board" to find out before you purchase your land.
These zoning codes are on the books. Like no living in or parking of RV's, no dumping of waste or gray waters, permits for septic, water, requirements for electric and in some cases even what type and how large of a home can be built etc, etc.
All it takes is one nosy passer by to see an RV and sewage lines coming out of an RV, and they are running for code enforcement.
Been there did that and I have a couple of RV friends that bought property way out in the woods to 'live in their RV' per-sea without doing the research on what codes were in place, and had to remove their RV due to someone turning them in for zoning codes violations and then sadly all they where left with was an unusable piece of property and the taxes for it. :(
Just saying I thought this would be of help for you so you don't end up having problems down the line. :C