Forum Discussion

htime97's avatar
Dec 07, 2014

Full timing near Olympia WA with 3 young kids

I am new to this forum so please excuse anything I might do wrong! I searched the other forums and didn't see too much for my question. So here it is.

Where is a good location for full timing in Olympia/Tacoma area with 3 young kids (they will be 6,4, and 3) I see that there is a lot of snowbird resorts in the area and with 3 young kids, they may aggravate them. They are all boys so of course, they are going to make some noise. Where can we go that will be safe and clean and a good environment for the kids to play? We are also military so we are hoping for a place that will accept us. I am hearing from a lot of people that military are not very welcome and it is scaring me a lot. So any words of comfort/advice/etc? where should we go?

Thank you so much in advance for anyone willing to give me any advice.
  • orfsotr wrote:
    I take it your hubby is currently active duty? IF so you may be able to disscuss with MWR and not have to move after 14 days. I have visited many FAMCAMPS that make this type of accomadation for active duty who live in their RV.

    Won't happen in Washington. If it does, don't tell any one. :)

    This is what we always use, it is kept up to date and usually has good directions and gate info. WAY CHEAPER this summer i tried to use them as much as possible travling from TN to WA via FL and MO to name a few, we paid as little as 15 a night up to 24 a night.

    Good luck, we are full time on the East-side of the mountains in Wenatchee for the winter.
  • I can't help your search but was surprised to hear that a lot of campgrounds don't like renting to the military! I certainly would never stay at a place with those values! Thank you both for your service (you for the support) and good luck finding a place.
  • He is active. Thanks! I have not heard that before. The military campgrounds we have gone to before have been pretty strict on the 14 days, mainly to prevent long-termers, and I just assumed that included active duty as well. I will check into that. Good idea!
  • I take it your hubby is currently active duty? IF so you may be able to disscuss with MWR and not have to move after 14 days. I have visited many FAMCAMPS that make this type of accomadation for active duty who live in their RV.
  • 28 miles west of Olympia is Elma RV Park for $375/mo + tax. Check out their Rates page. The only real concern might be the additional person fee for each child of $20/mo. I would call and inquire to see if the fee applies to children.
  • Thanks so much for the information. We were looking at staying at either of the campgrounds on post but both have the 14 day limit before moving sites, so that is a lot of moving over the course of a year. As for the kids schooling, we homeschool so that doesn't make too much of a difference. Makes it easier when Daddy comes home to be able to enjoy time with him. I looked into Pleasant Forest Camping Club and that one looked interesting. I have also run across Lost Lake RV Resort. Does anyone one know anything about either one of those two? Pros, cons? Thanks again! Very much appreciated!
  • Go check out Camp Murray FAMCAMP near JBLM, Washington National Guard so not expensive like JBLM Famcamps, $30+ a day, no weekly or monthly rate. Camp Murray is also on American Lake too. Their are young family's there also. $16.00 a day. Drawback, you have to change sites after 14 days during the summer season and 30 amps max. You can buy a lot from 10K to 50K in Pleasant Forest Camping club, Lacey. A bit primitive. Good luck.
  • We are also military so we are hoping for a place that will accept us. I am hearing from a lot of people that military are not very welcome and it is scaring me a lot. So any words of comfort/advice/etc? where should we go?

    IMO better than some bases I've been around.

    One word of caution...Don't take you RV to main gate. Use "truck" gate. And they have certain hours they are open. Real mess to get turned around at main gate in large RV.

    They're good people wherever you go, but its hard to find them sometimes.

    I think the catch will be finding a place that is more like a campground versus a trailer park. And as any base it has some real bad looking areas with trailer parks. And couple miles away not to bad.

    Don't over look out going east, towards Yelm area. More country or open space than in town IMO. Several smaller type places out that way. That's if you don't have your heart set on going south near Oly area. I don't know about kids things or about their schools are.

    Have you tried the Housing office? McChord used to have lots of services for their people. After the JBLM merger name thing I'm not sure what they have anymore, but worth a call.

    (edit part) I'm calling the main gate, the "main" gate at McChord. Have no idea what there called now since the name change to JBLM. The "truck" gate for oversize vehicles is at L&L 47.155066, -122.483603