KarnaughAtlas wrote:
Kevarino wrote:
I've been thinking of internet access and working for a awhile, but have not put this into practice.
I think that getting a small virtual server at an ISP (Internet Service Provider)would allow you to have high bandwidth to do heavy lifting. And just remote into it using windows Remote Desktop, or Team Viewer and maybe webex. That way all the hard work will be done by the server and all you need is a slower connection to view what is going on with the server. Also you could have them do backups and have all data protected.
I'm not sure if there would be less monthly data use, but it could help with the performance. The ISP I currently use is he.net but there are 100's of them out there.
This is actually a really great idea. I don't think remote desktop uses very much bandwidth at all, and I could stream all of my media to the server. Thank you!
This is essentially what I do. I run a proxy in Azure for day to day internet, it helps with connectivity since Verizon connections suffer from multiple open connections. For work we run VMWare View for a desktop in the office datacenter which would be similar to running RDP in the cloud. It uses very little bandwidth.
As for my actual internet I have both Verizion and ATT. I can't have an extended outage so If there's no internet I can't stay. Fortunately between the two carriers I've been lucky.
The biggest challenge I've found, with work, is lack of connection to the team. I head back to the office fairly often but If I were remote full-time It would be a challenge I'd need to learn to overcome.
It it were just me, i'd probably be fine in a 25ft class C or small trailer. But, since there are two of us bigger is much better. Having the truck is extremely helpful.