Unless one or both of you is an experienced realtor your best bet is to find a property manager that will manage the property for a percentage. No insult intended but while you may love your home some owners may love their home and it suits them but may need updating to attract a high quality tenant. How old are the appliances, furnace, ac, etc. Is the home close to schools or shopping? Call some realty companies in the area and ask if they have realtors that manage property. Usually the property management companies don't want to take on just 1 property. It isn't worth it to them. Meet with realtors who are willing to manage the property, get several opinions on the amount of rent, any repairs or updating needed. If you are planning on doing this yourself, are you familiar with leases, what do you have in place for problems or repairs? We have 2 rental properties and it is well worth the percentage we pay the person to not deal with any of the tenants. She handles everything.