Apr-08-2019 11:14 AM
May-15-2019 11:04 AM
May-13-2019 07:16 AM
Ro"n"Joe wrote:
We're going to set up our domicile with MyRVMail in Crestview, FL this summer. I called concerning ACA PPO plans and they are still available in the area.
May-12-2019 11:23 AM
May-06-2019 08:04 AM
lbrjet wrote:
Used to be covered in an emergency. Starting in 01/17 BCBS ACA HMO plans only cover when you are in the emergency room. Get admiited to the hospital upstairs and your coverage ends. That is what happened in AZ anyways, CT was probably the same.
RGar974417 wrote:
But as to the OP's delema,I remember buying special medical coverage when traveling outside the US.I did a short search and found several sites that offer insurance both inside and outside the country. I didn't look at costs but plans are out there like this one:https://www.gninsurance.com/travel-insurance-inside-the-usa/
May-05-2019 08:33 PM
May-05-2019 05:59 PM
Imbriaco wrote:
Very, very, very limited options outside of an employer sponsored plan. And what so many people don’t seem to realize, if not for the affordable care act, there would be even less AND they would be way more expensive.
I spent my career in healthcare. The commercial insurance industry and capitalism isn’t and will never be a viable option. At least from the consumers perspective
May-05-2019 02:47 PM
May-05-2019 12:26 PM
Apr-30-2019 10:04 AM
luvmydogs wrote:
Thank you Rice for all the info. We are in Colorado but getting ready to leave. So are you saying for health insurance your mail service address is enough for these companies? I'd thought we tried that a few years ago and the first one to complain were the banks. They seemed to know it was a mail service and said it was not good enough. We do use a mail service in Florida. Maybe we'll try to see if it would work for a Fla Blue policy.
luvmydogs wrote:
Not alot of people think about the fact that when they are on vacation or traveling, THEY ARE NOT COVERED.
Apr-27-2019 05:42 PM
Apr-27-2019 05:15 PM
westernrvparkowner wrote:
This is correct. Your insurance will have a provision for out of area, out of network coverage whether you have a PPO, an HMO or any other type of policy. Your out of area or network copays and deductibles will likely be higher.
Apr-12-2019 05:58 PM
HadEnough wrote:luvmydogs wrote:
I cant remember ever having it this bad to if you are able to travel and don't want to stay in one place and own a home there, that you would have no health insurance. It just seems un-american to me, but then lately the term "American" doesn't mean what it used to either.
Seems to me like there is something new to try to take your freedoms away around every corner now. A lot of people fought and died for American freedom and liberty. Feels like what they sacrificed do much for is being constantly erroded. Taken away from within the country.
Apr-12-2019 05:46 PM
Apr-12-2019 05:33 PM
Yosemite Sam1 wrote:HadEnough wrote:Yosemite Sam1 wrote:
Seems like a good argument for Medicare for all (specially RVers.)
It's sad that as a traveler, you are better off leaving the USA to get medical insurance than you are to stay here.
Plenty of travel plans when you are outside the USA. Very few, if any, inside.
Yes, Medicare is national -- and even international if you get prior approval and your medical consultations are made with an accredited medical provider (normally top notch hospitals that also provide medical services to our embassies abroad).
Apr-12-2019 05:30 PM
luvmydogs wrote:
I cant remember ever having it this bad to if you are able to travel and don't want to stay in one place and own a home there, that you would have no health insurance. It just seems un-american to me, but then lately the term "American" doesn't mean what it used to either.