RVcrazy wrote:
I didn't see anywhere that MASA is only good in 32 states. Does anyone have a list? Is MASA still available a year at a time, or only the multi year deal? Thanks!
That statement about the 32 states is not true. It's available in the entire U.S. If you call and let them know you are traveling abroad, you are covered. I do think they may have a supplemental policy if you are going abroad for an extended time. When we went to Alaska through Canada, I called to let them know. They said that was not necessary for NOrth America, we were covered.
From their brochure:
"Medically staffed aircraft are on standby 24 hours a day for
members in the contiguous United States, Canada, Mexico,
and the Caribbean and the Bahamas."
They do have some other add-on policies available and those may only be available in states that permit it, but as far as the lifetime policy we purchased, we are good wherever we go.
SkyMed at one time required a history of your medications for screening because not everyone is accepted. If you travel with a chronic life threatening illness for which you are medicated, which my DH does, you will not be accepted. I believe that is still the case.
WE have a lifetime MASA plan. We full time. We bought it because my DH's uncle had numerous medical problems requiring him to be flown by helicopter in Florida to a hospital that could handle him. Eventually they flew him back to Indiana to his regular doctors. This happened twice. Had his vehicle driven back as well. No charge for any of it.
I can't find any current prices. They ask you to fill out a contact form because rates vary according to your location.