Forum Discussion

gafidler's avatar
Oct 01, 2017

T Mobil phone service

Thinking about switching to T mobil from Verizon, T mobil users how is the service traveling around the USA. I usually go up the coasts East and West from Texas.
  • We have not had the experience of the previous posters. We've had T Mobile for about 7 years. We have traveled from CA to the east coast and north to Niagra Falls. We spend time in Arkansas and other states in the Midwest. Coverage has been good, we use the hotspot for internet. There have been a couple of places that we weren't able to use the hotspot but the phones still worked. We plan to keep it.
  • I've had t-mobile for a while. Coverage is spotty depending on where you're at. A couple months ago I lost all connection while sitting at my desk at home. Call to T-mobile discovered they had shut down a bunch of older transmitters and my phone was depending on those to connect. New phone later, I haven't had any problems since. However I haven't really taken it out of town yet. I do have a cell phone booster with external antenna for those fringe areas, not sure what I think of it yet still experimenting.
  • Got T-Mobile last year just before a trip from Dallas to Rapid City because we needed some new phones and they had a great deal. Our route took us to Raton, NM, then up to northern Colorado (Poudre River area), then through Wyoming to Rapid. After visiting family there, we went to Minnesota and then back home through Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas. By far the worst coverage was in Colorado/Wyoming. Seemed non existent for hours at a time. My boys struggled because it would jump from third party to third party; many times not having any data - just calling ability.

    Check out the coverage maps on their website and zoom in on areas you travel to see if service is there - their maps really are pretty accurate, so you're able to compare companies.
  • We changed from Verizon to the ATT Mobley device for our data. Already had ATT Go phone as we don't spend much time on a phone. Don't want to either. We are going west - if ATT service isn't good, we will reactivate our Verizon jetpack for data service We are saving about $100 per month with the ATT device.
  • We switched from Verizon to T-Mobile because they offered a really good deal.....We switched back to Verizon 2 days later.

    T-Mobile had terrible service (or none at all) where we often go on the Washington coast....We always got at least 2 bars with Verizon in the same place.
  • On I1O from about the I10-I20 jct it gets really spotty at times and from west of Fort Stockton till almost EL Paso is the worst of the bad. Louisiana is spotty out side the cities and service is pretty much nonexistent on the Natchez Trace.
    Arizona out side developed areas is spotty.
    I use a T-Mobile hotspot but am not dependent on data
  • We recently switched from Verizon to T-Mobile. It's ok, but I miss the better coverage Verizon had.
  • When T Mobil works, it seems to work well, but around these parts, it is pretty worthless once just outside the cities.

    Verizon has the best coverage, IMHO.

    Since campgrounds tend to be out of cities, I would expect the coverage to be noticeably less reliable than Verizon.