Forum Discussion

Talleyho69's avatar
Oct 02, 2019

Vehicle Insurance for Mexico

Like the US and Canada, vehicle liability insurance is required. Like the US and Canada, unless there is a problem, you do not need to show proof of that insurance. HOWEVER unlike the US and Canada if there is a problem you will be detained until you can provide proof that you have the appropriate insurance. Detained can mean jailed, and it can be a long time. Buy insurance!

At least one US RV insurer, provides "normal" coverages in Mexico except for liability. Check with your insurance carrier to see what coverage you may have in Mexico, but it will NOT include liability in Mexico.

No companies sell less than the legally required minimum liability insurance. Some sell more.

The Mexican government recognizes a small number of insurers whose policies are sold by a number of agents and brokers These policies are available by the day, week, month, 6 month and 1 year increments and cover various regions of Mexico. You have a number of choices and none are expensive. You can purchase comprehensive, collision and all of the “normal” coverages from them too.

Some brokers/agents even offer Legal Services which include Bail Bond, Attorney, Criminal and Civil Defense.

Insurance can be purchased at the border or on line. When selecting who you purchase your coverage from, look for good reviews, a number of years in the business, and an on line calculator.

Prices can vary greatly for the same coverage from different agents/brokers. Shop around!

Be sure to keep your policy handy and be able to produce it as necessary and call their number for assistance.

Now that you have your insurance, what do you do with it? Hopefully nothing. No one wants to see it unless there is an accident.
  • Not that we are aware of. Fortunately it's not particularly expensive.

    Just as a note of caution, we were parked in Mazatlan at the old La Posta RV park helping the guy behind us get all loaded up for his return to Canada after being parked for 5 months. He didn't keep insurance on his rig while parked for the winter, and had it starting the next day. Yup, we really did see his vehicle roll across the road and hit another one. Did quite a bit of damage to both, fiberglass front ends and all, and him with no insurance.
  • I would like to know if there is a company that sells insurance for a stationary RV. While in an RV Park in mexico.
  • We are going down Oct 20-25 so I just purchased the insurance. Cost was $115.00 for the entire trip. We used this site.Lets you compare.BTW minsurance company, Farmers, wanted $288.00.