More To See- - you were a little curious as to why the fuse blew as was I. I finished putting all the brackets on the fuel fuller hoses and started her up and again seemed to be running quite rich and surging a little bit so I headed home to grab a few things then head over my dads house with it. I parked backwards on the left side of the street when I got there and soon as I put it in park pop, it blew another fuse. I hopped out the drivers door and pulled the fuse and put a new one, turned the key and nothing. It would crank over but not start. When that ignition fuse blows it cuts power to the throttle body injects and possibly to the spark plug. I am not sure cause I didn't check for spark. I put another fuse and only turned the key and pop, it blew another fuse. After that I tried putting the coach in neutral, replaced the fuse and then it started right up. I put it in reverse, and then drive and all was good so I jumped out and put wheel chocks just in case. I took off the cover on the column so I get at all the wires and plugs. I also noticed that my Auto park light was on even when I put it in gear, but not when the fuse was pulled out, auto park would go out soon as I selected drive with the motor not running and I could hear the hydraulics to the auto park pump up, then released when I put in park. This has lead me to believe possibly I have a bad auto park switch on the column. At this point I was so frustrated I decided to put on my new springs cause I had a bad air bag and decided to go with the heavy duty rated spring. While I was working on that for several house and of course had my new set of trial and tribulations I had used the hydraulic levelers to lift one front wheel off the ground and placed jack stands under the frame. Long story short fishing with both side of the springs and after cleaning up all that mess of tools I needed to lift the coach a bit to remover the jack stand. I realized I had left the ignition on that whole 3 1/2 -4 hrs. I just so happened to touch the little acculator at the bottom of the column that when the brake is applied it allows you to move the selector out of park. It was hot as the dickens and I almost burnt my self. I finished cleaning up and then started to investigate this acculator. It was still hot as heck. I unplugged a single wire and would make it move. I then put the ignition on and started it up. Moved the selector from park to reverse, to drive and back and no blown fuse. Not sue if that part is pad or just a short in one of the wires that goes to it!!!???!!! Still running rich and crappy btw when cold. I packed it all up and will go back tomorrow and see if I can find anything else out and start cleaning up all the ground connections. Seems that I have a couple of issues running simultaneously.. What a mess, any suggestions would be appreciated. I need to get my hands on some wiring diagrams for the auto park system and all the wiring. On a good note, the springs are great, brought my front end back up to the height it was supposed to be at with out the air bags and the ride is great. I will probably not figure this out tomorrow and will probably have to wait until the weekend. Good time to trade her in for newer model!