Where is SE MI??
I am near the SW corner of DTW.
I know about old vehicles, there are some things you should do.
Get a little spiral bound notebook and start a maintenance log TODAY. Very soon, this will all run together and your memory will be pretty much worthless. (Says the guy that just discovered that his house banks is two years older than he thought.
First thing you should pay attention to is all the rubber. Even if stored indoors, it may be aging out. This is not just tires (those are a 7~10 year time bomb) but coolant, fuel and brake hoses too.
If the brake system has not been flushed, that is an expensive problem that is about to get you. Flushing is not that big a deal. If you do this yourself or with a friend, put teflon tape on the threads of the bleed screws and make sure that the rubber caps get back on. The Michigan road salt play hell with them.
If it is a gas engine, watch for fuel system related problems as it was not designed with what is now sold as "motor fuel".
Then, be ready for all the belts and hoses to be problems. If it is true to form, this will take about 10K miles and a years worth of travel to get completely sorted out.
If you take care of this coach, it will take care of you.