Fuel filter is on the left frame rail, about mid ship. You can buy the clip release tools at any parts store. The set is cheap. I have no corrosion problems with the clips on my 95 F53. The problem starting after fueling would indicate fuel filter. If the filter don't correct the problem, you need to run a fuel pressure test while driving. About 32 lbs of pressure at idle and about 38 lbs at wide open throttle. Fuel pressures are important. The ECM is dependent on designed pressures for proper air fuel ratios. Your fuel pump is of turbine design and does not get noisy when failing. Just running the test while sitting still will not prove or disprove the fuel pump.
I suggest OEM motorcraft replacement fuel pump, if needed. That way you change the sending unit too.
Rockauto/Motocraft fuel pump.Thin film ignition (TFI) is on the left, outside firewall, under master cylinder, on heat sink. If you elect to replace the TFI, make sure to get the gray one. The black TFI won't work on you MH. Your EEC-IV is in front of the steering column, next to floor. There is a 4 digit "catch code" on the ECM. You will need that code if you elect to look for a replacement. For example, 95 catch code looks like this "MOOĆ".