Forum Discussion

86Scotty's avatar
Mar 21, 2016

2002 BT Cruiser info

Hello all, I'm considering replacing my trailer with a <25 B+ and am currently looking at a 2002 BT Cruiser model 5230. I can only find archived brochures with very limited information.

I'm looking for weight ratings, exterior height and width, etc. Most brochures or RV spec listings have all of this but I can't find it for the older BT Cruisers. Why they only list the interior height and width is beyond me. Who needs the INTERIOR width?

If you own one and could post a pic of the sticker inside the rear closet that has most of this that would help me greatly, or if someone can link me more info please do.

Thanks in advance
  • Someone said BT Cruiser stands for British Touring Cruiser. I don't know if that's true or not.
  • Your can find brand new B+ motorhomes here straight from the factory.
  • It is a Class C. BT is a model number. B+ is something that does not exist. Class B does, but is a van motorhome.
  • We bought an 07 BT Cruiser found info at gulfstreammotorcoaches and also did a goggle and found several things for older BT's. We are really happy with ours.
  • Eric, this is a poor answer but a response anyway. I owned a 2003 Gulfstream 5230 new. They quit making them for several years, then fired back up recently. I saw one at the Dallas RV show last month. It was a 2016 2350 and it was identical to my old one in every detail I remembered. Same layout, feel, etc. Just 13 years newer and a little nicer finish with a few more bells and whistles. If you go this site you can see the specs on the 2016 and get some idea of what you might have on a 2002. I think the 2002 and 2003 were spot on the same. I came home, looked at some old pictures of ours and it was just as I remembered and just like the pics I took of the new rig in Dallas.

    Now, that's not a complete answer by far to your post but it might give you some idea. Incidentally, back then you could get them on a Ford 350 or 450 and I had the 450 just like the new one. It was one of the most fun and enjoyable rigs we ever owned and only some family health issues caused us to sell it and be out of rving for a period of time. We loved the layout and the bath and the kitchen especially.
