Forum Discussion

Ronaldlee's avatar
Aug 30, 2019

2006 Excursion

I have a Norcold 1200 refrig that has a no co code. it was fine when we cut it off but we turned it back on and got this code...refrig will not cool...Can anyone out there help me. Headed for the beach and everything will be ruined by the time we get there...Thank for any help you can give....
  • Ivylog's avatar
    Explorer III
    Does your display light up? If not then the black recall box has turned the power off. A strong magnet rubbed across the top of it may reset it.
  • Another possibility. My uncle has a Norcold 4 door fridge in his 2007 Winebago Voyage. Maybe yours is similar.

    Anyway, there was a modification performed in which a small black box was added to the system and mounted on or near the burner tubes and it's supposed to shut down the fridge in the case of an overheat condition. I believe this was a recall due to a fire hazard.

    Anyway, that black box is apparently susceptible to tripping IF water is splashed onto it. This can be because of heavy road spray or washing the rig and the water is shot into the exterior fridge access panel.

    I know his module has a red LED on it, but I forgot whether it's on all the time or if it turns one when the module is tripped. I guess the latter makes more sense, but I honestly don't remember the situation.

    The module can be reset by putting a STRONG magnet near the module and I think you have to hold it there for a couple of second. IF the LED was on, it should go off...and vice versa. Sorry I don't remember more. I haven't had to do it for a couple of years. I think he had to do it several times as I guess the location his was mounted was susceptible to getting splashed.

    Oh...I would also recommend that you edit the subject of your post to include Norcold 1200 and NoCo to get more attention.

    Good Luck,

  • I have that fridge. I got a NOCO once. It was because I was too far off level and it locked up to prevent damage.

    There are two pins that you short out to reset it.

    You can Google it or check Bryantrv website or drop by a RV service Dept. It only takes a minute.

    Google NOCO Norcold.
  • I have a Norcold in my 07 Meridian, that stopped working. I called the mobile tech. and was told to try this. Remove the Thermister (that's the thing clipped to the cooling fin. It should unplug right at the frig. light. This will cause the light to go out. Turn the frig on and see if it cools. It may take awhile but will not hurt anything. If unit cools the Thermister was bad. You will need the model number and serial number of the norcold to get another one. If unit does not cool you have more problems so call or go to a repair spot.
  • It is thirteen years old. Use dry ice for this trip and then replace. Did your last home fridge last 13 years?

    P.S. This is why you start all the systems a week before departure.