This is what you should have for the RV 30A Shore Power Cable to plug into...

This will be wired just like the 120VAC 15A-20A Receptacles but will be fed with a 30A Circuit Breaker...
You MUST tell the Electrician this is being wired for a RV Trailer setup and not a 240VAC Circuit for a 240VAC Home Dryer appliance...
NOTE these two 3-socket receptacles that look very similar. The one on the LEFT is for the 120VAC RV setup and the one on the RIGHT is for the 240VAC Dryer setup.

Forcing your RV Shore power cable into the receptacle on the right will destroy many 120VAC Appliances and system in your RV in a instance. This is a very good reason to use a licensed Electrician that has Insurance to cover these loses... you are talking about a few thousand dollars going up in BLUE SMOKE at the snap of a finger...
I am only passing this on for your education of the difference between the two very similar receptacles for two different system. I am NO EXPERT in any of this. Consult the Licensed Electrical Experts if you have questions...
Roy Ken