dog house Jim wrote:
You may want to look at a JTB Power Solution. it converts a 30 amp service to a 50 amp. I know I'm considering it, I may have replace AC units on my bounder. their site is
Here's is my JTB Power Solution System installed in my Denali 266RL 34' TT. I also have a Progressive Industries EMS on both the 50AMP Main Panel service and the 30AMP (Technically 20AMP) JTB service. I did not opt for the install kit as I intended to use a 30 amp twist lock power inlet to match my 50 amp main inlet. Also I was running short #10 wires, so the install kit is not pictured. I also purchased the yellow 30to20 amp adapter by Marinco (#126A), which is hard to find.
I also chose to add a receptacle to my JTB box which will only be used if the main A/C is turned off at the thermostat. I chose to "JTB" my main A/C rather than my second A/C because that is the ducted unit that we will always be using. It also is the larger unit and pulls more amps, so I isolated it to the JTB which frees up more available amps on the main 50 amp panel for the microwave, uline ice maker, hair dryer, and other appliances. If I did the bedroom AC on the JTB then I am limiting the amount of time that I actually benefit from the JTB. Haven't been camping as I just finished the install today, but connected to power at home and everything works as expected.
Here's the slideshow photos: