60% length to wheel base ratio is ideal. On a 176" that works out to 26'. Below 50% driving suffers.
Mine is at about 54% and my previous was 60%. I find it MUCH more fatiguing to drive. I also had 4 tail swing accidents. Fortunately there was little damage to the RV, but the cars were.....not pretty.
I believe there are some where the wheel base is 213", but I don't know if that is "stock" from Ford or not.
I'm at 28'5" on a 176" base. They designed it with water tanks, battery bank, and waste tanks all on the drivers side. I upgraded my wheels and tires so that the driver's rear duals would not be over the tire rating--and I'm just under the maximum for the chassis with all tanks full (waste and fresh water, too) with the RV provisioned and two souls in the cab. I do have rear air bags and wish I had them at the front, too.
The new wheels and tires had the added benefit of raising me up about 1.5 inches, but it is still definitely a pavement princess.