Larryect wrote:
Yep. And earlier I believe it was stated if an electricain calls it 240 volts - Don't hire him.
Well the problem is, it IS a 240 volt circuit and that is in fact what it needs to be. Exactly for the reason pointed out. If you don't have 240 volt, your neutral can be called upon to carry TWICE its rated amperage - with NO protection.
Yes Larry it was said by some one who does not understand that if an Electrician calls it 240 volt do not hire him.. I took that poster to task for saying it.. It is after all 240 (Well 120/240) volt service, SAME EXACTLY as your house.
The danger with calling it 120 volt is this: The proper way to wire the outlet, I will forget the safety ground for the moment (It is of course wired to safety ground in all examples)
L-1 N L-2 This is proper
if some idiot wires it either
L-1 N L-1
L-2 N L-2
You now have 120 volts on each leg, IN most motor homes without energy managers everything works, BUT, and this is one nasty BUT.
The Neutral is now hauling as much a 100 amps.. Now 50 it can do, 60 likely won't bother it (only 20% over rating) but 100, it's going to get warm, hot even, and if it gets hot enough the FIRE DEPARTMENT comes calling.. And frankly, I do not wish to do business with those nice folks if I can avoid it.
Thus I think of the 50 amp service as 120/240 and check to make sure it is that.. Cause if it's 120/120 with zero volts side to side..
Well.. I have heard of parks wired that way.. And this is not a good thing. Not a good thing at all.