barlow46 wrote:
Mr.Mark wrote:
We, too, use a lidded plastic container that I bought at Costco. We have no room in the wet bay area so I keep the container with our expansion hose in the bay in front of it. Works great for us. The box also holds our flexible hose stand, everything fits in that one container.
Our 05 dynasty has the hose storage behind the utilities bay and has a small door like an auto fuel fill door on it. I think it has a twist lock on the door..maybe a key lock. The slinky fits in there,
Although we only use the sanicon system where the hose just hangs from a hook inside the wet bay, the storage for the 4" is there. Does you dynasty not have this storage location also?
Have you asked you question on this forum for CC owners?
You have a higher end coach and unless it came only with a Sanicon system, I too am amazed that there is not a provided storage area. Not doubting your word about not finding it but possibly it is well hidden somewhere. Maybe the owners at the yahoo groups country coach owners can give you suggestions on what they do.
Yes, I have the hose storage with the flip up door but my hose will not fit in there with the sewer attachment on the end. I keep my 4 ft. styrofoam pieces that fit on the end of the slide-out in there so I won't hit my head.
I never understood that storage area as our sewer hoses have elbow ends attached.