deandec wrote:
New MH drivers may tend to oversteer during their first trips. Some folks oversteer in their automobile.
This can cause your discomfort without any mechanical causes.
Oversteer, over correction is caused by the lack of response to steering input. This can be corrected with trac bars. The W22 desperately needs trac bars (which is different from torsion bars, which it already has). Any time you move the wheel, the springs flex sideways. This gives a delayed response to steering input. That delay, causes you to turn even harder. When the coach finally catches up to how far you have turned the wheel, you have turned it too far, and now need to turn it back. You will constantly wonder down the road, always correcting. While you can change your driving habits and slightly improve the situation, the real fix is trac bars. Spend the money and correct the root cause. You also should know that year of coach may have had a recall on shocks, as the OEM were considered too soft. I know the recall covers '04 W22 chassis, so that may end up being your chassis too. Just so you know, model year and chassis year may be significantly different. See if you can find out what brand of shocks are on it.