Run Ussain Bolt fast from any sublease. Your insurance will no longer be in force, the sub-lessee will trash your rig and if you can find it after the lease term you will be left with a bucket of bolts, if you are lucky. If you are unlucky, you will be stuck with some huge liability due to an accident and improper documentation of the lease. Or, as the other poster pointed out, you still owe money on the rig, the bank will repossess the unit because sub leasing is contractually prohibited on virtually all purchase contracts, you will have a repossession on your record and the guy that was leasing it will be suing you for failure to honor your end of the contract. The only people who will be sub-leasing an RV are people who don't qualify to buy one. If a bank with billions of dollars in assets isn't willing to take the risk to receive the possible reward, why would you?