Forum Discussion

k6dcp's avatar
Feb 28, 2014

Adding Tint Film to Bathroom Window

When you look at the left side of my Leisure Travel Van Free Spirit, the whole "window" area is dark, except for the actual bathroom window, which is clear. You can see the bath curtains through the window, which sort of messes with the whole "stealth" concept.

If you look closely at IVan's picture, you'll see the little light spot. That's the bath window.

I was thinking about putting window tinting film on this window, to make it fit in better with the darker colored area.

On the other hand, I don't want to turn the tiny bathroom into a dark cave.

Has anyone done this with their B? Good idea? Bad idea? Thoughts and comments, please.

As always, thanks, all.
  • Sounds good -- easy to get and easy to put on. What about the darkness issue? Will it make the bathroom too dark?
  • Instead of tint, how about something with a pattern so cant see the inside but clear to let the light in like this.
  • Not a B but the window in the door of my toy hauler (and my former 5th wheel) were un-tinted and the afternoon sun comes blazing inside. I tinted the door windows on both trailers. It's very easy to do.
  • Walmart sells removable window tint.

    Comes in a roll and in several shades of darkness. You do NOT use any chemical spray to put the 'removable' type on and it comes right off if you don't like it. All you do is spray a water/dish soap on it, position it, squeegee and cut to fit. Read the box there are 2 types one permanent and one removable. Pick up an exacto blade knife too to make the cuts.

    I bought a roll of it to put on the back windows of my car that I tow behind my MH just to see if I liked has been on that car for 6 years now! Stuff is great and inexpensive.

    Last year when I stayed in Florida during the summer months I put it on my side windows in the MH. Looks just like the expensive professionally applied tinting. Cooled off the inside of my MH by 20 degrees. I then put it on the skylight in my shower too. That was more tricky because it is domed, but covering that brought the temps down inside the MH even more.

    Here's what it looked like on my toad.