Coach Cleats wrote:
I realize that everyone's driving styles are unique therefore brake replacement differ.
We are at 71K on our 2004 Safari and its beginning to require more pressure on the pedal to stop. That's probably the answer to my question ay!
Coach Cleats, you are right in acknowledging huge differences in the mileage expected but, at 71K, your brake shoes "could" have significant life left. However, other parts in the system age and as self adjusting air brakes age and wear they will require maintenance. These brakes will only self-adjust within a certain tolerance; when the air brakes go beyond this tolerance they must be serviced.
If you are not able to check them yourself, have it looked at by a professional-you may not need anything more than routine inspection and maintenace. If it has been sometime since your air brake system has been checked and serviced, it's time to have it looked at.
Ours at 62K miles are at 75% life or more I estimate.