RJL wrote:
Brought my coach to camping world for a step recall. Big mistake, I know. Anyway I've been having some electrical problems since my end of last season trip. I think I got hit with a surge. My house battery disconnect switch stopped working as well as my water level switches and outside radio.
Most all the things you cite are Surge proof or as close as it gets to surge proof. especially on modern (this century) RV's and Trailers.
WHY: They all work on 12 volts. and the converter (Which is not surge proof) will go POOF if there is a surge before it fried the 12 volt stuff. Now if the battery is dead.
The battery disconnect won't work (More on that in a bit)
lights won't work
Radio Fridge. Water heater. Water pump All need 12 volt.
Now... Battery disconnect.. This is specific to the Intelletec Battery Control but may apply to others.
Dirty switch prevented Solenoid from going CLUNK when I hit USE.. De-powered switch (I did it the hard way) (Easy way is to pull all 5 amp fuses from BCC fuse box and mark where they go so you can put 'em back.. Just one is needed but easier to pull 'em all )
Now operate the switch like 100 times USE/STORE/USE/Store
Replace fuse. try if it CLUNKS and Connects time to make a decision
Buy a super lotto ticket cause when you hot you hot.
Don't buy the ticket cause you used up your ration of LUCK for this month.