Thanks, I've messaged Roger, he suggested ofc that I do the work myself, which ofc I would, could I afford the half a million+ home you have to pay for in the DFW area to have a piece of land big enough that an HOA will allow u to even have an RV at your house. Unfortunately I live in a major metropolitan area, as do all my friends and every storage facility I've ever checked has a strict "no working on your vehicles here" policy.
So, mostly I'm trying to educate myself enough that I don't get screwed over by a mechanic. I actually called my trusted auto mechanic but he can't work on RV's due to his insurance regulations and a couple other places I called said they couldn't do it b/c it wouldn't fit in their bays or also insurance.
Anyway, I ended up taking it to a place in Denton TX that seems to have a good reputation, Danny's RV repair, but the wait is like 2 weeks b4 they can even get to it. If anyone in the DFW area has a pad big enough I can park it on and work on it myself, I'd ofc love to learn to take care of this myself. It seems I actually have a p32 chasis and I'm 99% sure I have the version II autopark.