I'm embarrassed to admit this ...but when we first got our latest class C I thought I knew how, I thought it should be just like old one. Found out later that I needed to plug in elec cord. I thought with a "solar charger" it would charge whenever the system needed a charge and the sun was out. Not a chance turns out only had 5 watt charger.
So the first item I would do is find out how your system is set up and how it charges. You most likely will want to get a cheap elec multi meter under $10.00 (and keep in rv, comes in handy). You'll be able to find out if it charges when the motor is running and what you have to do to charge it on elec 120 volt. And if it has a genny how that works and I also found out that I have to plug in rv power code into its own socket built in near power cord storage bin. So they are not all the same. Once you get it noodled out it will become second nature.
how do I handle my batteries while not in use?
Depends how long "not in use is" Long term over 2 months we disconnect battery and when under 2 months, once a month check water and run genny 2 hours with A/C going to put the genny under a load per onan instructions.