96Bounder, interesting about the PCM, I googled PCM and yes indeed, it could be a PCM going bad. However, it could also be an alternator going bad, maybe both. Thankfully, I have my trusty KLR250 motorcycle to get around on for the next 10 days before I take off in the Behemoth for TX with my ailing Caravan hooked to a tow dolly. I have a trusted electronics rebuild shop in San Marcos TX I can go to.
Another weird thing happened, but only one time, this was back when my troubles first began. I drove a few miles stopped for a red light and when I started out it wouldn’t shift into high but stayed in the next lower gear. I pulled off the road and started out again from a stop and it’s shifted just fine ever since.
The thing is this old Caravan, other than having a premature timing belt failure, has been literally trouble free for 162K miles.