Sep 06, 2015Explorer
Battery problem
Our battery in the RV went down this weekend and wouldn't stay up while running down the road. I checked it once back home, and with the switch in "Store", the battery puts out about 8.5 volts whet...
burlmart wrote:
edited for clarityECones wrote:
FWIW, we left this morning with the battery fully charged, and the battery was at 13 volts. We drove with the switch in "Use" for about four hours, and when we stopped it was at 12.45. I don't know if that's significant or not.
this is very significant.
i still am assuming your rig has BIRD, and it should have kept the house batt charged. 12.45V is a BIG drop
it looks like your engine's 14V(presumed) is not charging the house batt as it should if your BIRD is working. both batts should charge when either is getting over 13.2
i am suspecting a prob in BIRD hookup, or else it's solenoid (Relay)
locate this solenoid and there should be 12V on the two small terminals (if plugged to shore and in USE, or if engine is on and in USE). the 2 large terminals go off to the pos pole of the house and the engine batts . touch either and chassis frame and get that batt's voltage (solenoid is likely close to frame. guess you could trace red cables from either batt)