Feb-16-2014 05:16 AM
Feb-19-2014 03:54 PM
Feb-19-2014 03:49 PM
Feb-19-2014 12:13 PM
Feb-19-2014 10:30 AM
redsuperduty wrote:Ah....Agreed! You've got a whole lot more square footage than our rig has. Sounds like a decent price.
$8,000 bucks well spent!
Feb-19-2014 10:09 AM
Feb-19-2014 10:02 AM
Feb-19-2014 09:21 AM
Feb-19-2014 06:17 AM
Feb-18-2014 07:33 PM
mlh wrote:
Forgive me for being naive on this subject. Does the body paint prevent and/or eliminate oxidation of fiberglass over the years? I have a 2010 and keep it stored in a covered slip. It still looks very good, but I've seen some that are chalky, faded, etc. Just wondering how it helps with the long term maintenance.
Feb-18-2014 06:33 PM
Feb-17-2014 09:54 AM
Feb-16-2014 05:47 PM
Feb-16-2014 03:36 PM
Feb-16-2014 10:26 AM
Feb-16-2014 07:45 AM
redsuperduty wrote:I was a-wonderin'... Very cool blue!
Its hard to tell from these pics on a dreary day, but the blue is the same code as the race truck I pull behind it.