frankdamp wrote:
One advantage of being an alien resident in the US, as far as I'm concerned, is that I can't own firearms. Never wanted to, can't see any good reason for carrying a device that would enable me to end another person's life. Maybe that's a throwback to being British, where, in general when we lived there, the only guns that could be privately owned were shotguns owned by farmers.
I'm aware that a lot of NRA members would think I'm a Commie-loving wimp, but that's my opinion, and I don'r give a rat's what those loonies think.
The only reason I carry a firearm (I'm a retired cop so I can) is to defend my life, the life of a family member, or the life of an innocent victim. If you would rather submit to the demands of some loonie, that's your right. As for me, if I'm going to get killed, at least I'll go out fighting.