gemert wrote:
Terryallan wrote:
gemert wrote:
A lot of LEOs will not like you carrying concealed when you approach including me. I would hope that you would leave it in the coach .
Have a quest. IF I leave it in the coach, or truck. And DW does NOT have a Concealed Carry permit. Would that not create a problem for her? She would be then the one responsible for the gun. Would that make her carrying illegal?
Just want to know
If she were to conceal it on her person then technically she would be in violation. For someone who does not have a CCW, the law is (paraphrased): in a vehicle, it must be securely encased and not available for immediate use. In my opinion (disclaimer)securely encased could be in a glove box, in a holster with a snap. The law is clear but still leaves some room for good judgement. So if you left it in the RV, in a drawer in a snapped holster you would be ok. There is nothing wrong with keeping it on your person but most officers will want it under their control while they are talking to you. When it's in my control, it's only natural for me to run the numbers to make sure it's not stolen. Why bring all those variables into play. If it's not on your person you don't have to tell the LEO it's in the RV. Some States will list it with your DL info so we will know anyway. I may ask if you are armed so be truthful and say no. That is being honest and truthful. Why introduce variables? I hope I answered your question.
msgtord, As well.
Thank you for your answeres. Just was wondering. In NC we have Open Carry, (Need no Permit) and CC. I have a permit, She does not. However, as we travel to SC a lot, and while they recognize NCs CC, they at this point do not have open carry. It is coming. I was just wondering. In NC the LEOS do know by our tag if we have CC, and we are required to tell them if we are carrying or not, and show the card. I have -O- problem with that.
Also. As to running the gun's numbers. One or two of them are not registered in any way, as they were passed down to me. So they won't show up as stolen, But they won't show us as anything else either. And don't have to.
The other ones are not registered other than the paperwork required when being bought over the counter.
Thank you