Old Blue wrote:
I have the same brake system, used on my gmc truck and now on my chevy traverse and what I do to mine to stop the walking around is this...hope this helps....1st. press the brake peddle several times. 2nd. attach the lever to the peddle. 3rd. go thru the system, power up, test, etc. 4th. set the marker light to #5. now here is what I did to stop the walking. put a strap, rope, or belt over the seat and up under the seat and thru the handle of the control pull it tight than slide the seat back a bit this holds the control tight and you should be good to go. Be sure you set you lights to where you want the brake to be activated I seem to like #5. Hope this helps, also hope you understand what I wrote..
Bill, this sounds like a good test. I will try that strapping technique. Might have to find a quick snap type strap but I know most stores with a camping section have them.
Thanks for the phone number, TexasH. I would have called them already except I'm hard of hearing and phone calls are torture for me and whomever I call because of having to ask them to repeat themselves over and over as I try to make sense of what they've said.