How do I do it is a loaded question since we need to know your coach AND you did not tell us the brake controller.
There are two or 3 types of brake controllers and systems, NOT all are compatiable, but assuming you are towing a TRAILER with Electric brakes I will use a very common model of progressive/purportional controller.
YOu need to make 4 connecitons under the dash
12 volt Positive
Brake light side of the brake switch
And the line (usually blue) that feeds the rear of the coach.
TO FIND the blue wire if it's already there.
Look for a blue wire at the back of the bus, May be connected to a 7pin connector if you have one of those.
If you have it, look for a blue wire not connected under dash
Measure resistance blue wire to ground. Should be OPEN
plug in trailer
Measure resistance again Should now be near short (A few ohms).
If so that's it.
Using a test lamp you can find 12 volt (Id hook to the aux terminal block if such exists) and the brake light lead,, You may be able to pick it up at the steering column connector if you have to but if you do that make sure it's not live (Blinking) with 4 way emergency flashers on.
For more and better information: Contact teh controller maker and dowload the installation/owner's manual... In fact you should do this in any case. Even if you have a copy of the manual in the box, DOWNLOAD one. harder to loose the hard drive.
I have downloaded manuals for most of my hardware.. and in a few cases (kitchen stuff) download was not to be found so I scanned it with my smart phone and MD-Scan and PDF'ed it and put it on the HD. Paper copies go in the Manual portfolio bag... Motor homes come with like 20 pounds of owner's manuals.
You have two identical ___, you have two identical owner's manuals.