olfarmer wrote:
OK, I took the MH in to the large local dealer here. They tested the brake fluid for moisture and there was 4% water in it so they flushed the brake fluid, checked the calipers, tested the pressure, and test drove it. They said one rotor showed signs if being hot at some time but that the caliper was free and moved easily. They checked all calipers for being free to move as they should. They said the master cylinder was OK. I am very happy with their service, it was not cheap but very thorough and were very good at keeping me informed on their progress. Thanks for all of the comments!
If you still have your invoice, check to see how many quarts of brake fluid they used. I have seen others charged for brake flush when really all they got was a brake bleed. They should have used 3 quarts of brake fluid for a flush and only 1 quart for a brake bleed. Glad things worked out with a minimum of expense.
A fluid flush should be done every 2 years. Your fluid showed 4% moisture content but that moisture tends to accumulate at the lowest point in the system, which is the calipers, which also get the hottest and causes the fluid to boil.