In 1998 We had a new American Tradition. Went to the east coast so we had about 3,000 miles on it. I was driving down the road when I noticed air pressure dropping. As I pulled to the side of the road the alarm went off then coach dropped and brakes locked. When I called the number I had for Spartan they told where to disconnect a line which by-passed the govenor and it aired up and worked OK until we got to a truck repair. Later that year we were traveling with some friends with same model and it happened to them. I looked like a genius when I knew exactly what to do.
Same motorhome was backing into a tight spot when we heard a "POW" and the front end dropped down. Later found there was no stop on the steering which allowed the wheel to turn far enough that the wheel weight popped the air bag. Even though it was out of warranty Spartan paid for everything including installing a stop so it couldn't happen again.