My breakdown:
* 1972 Winnebago D22, on Dodge M400 chassis, 413 engine, 727 tranny.
* 90,000 total miles.
* 1972 RV. It happened in 2002, the RV was 30 years old.
Break Down Description: Driving along at 55 mph on the last day of a 3 week 4000 mile vacation, the engine lost oil pressure completely, and though it was running nicely, we shut it down as soon as we saw the gauge reading. It may have been zero for many miles.
Symptom: There had been a very slight valve ticking noise for the last 40k miles, since we got it 11 years earlier. Im used to a little tappet noise in old mopar engines.
Effect: Anxiety. Engine water temp and all other gauges normal. Motor sounded fine, no plume of smoke, no oil trail behind us.
Cause: A bent pushrod finally wore in two from rubbing against the head casting, the pieces dropped away, and the cam lobe pitched the lifter up out of the bore. This opened up the oil gallery, so lots of flow but zero pressure reading on both of my oil p. gauges.
Outcome: We got it towed the 200 miles home - $700. First time-ever tow.
Post Mortem: The bent pushrod pieces and lifter were in the cam valley. None of the pieces got in the way of anything else. I replaced the pushrods, and while I was at it, the engine bearings, timing chain, front and rear main seals, and other things easy to reach with the radiator out. I also replaced the valve cover gaskets, and painted the top of the now clean engine. The old bearings showed no sign of adverse wear beyond what you would expect at 90,000 miles. I spent about $800 on parts, and about 2 months of pleasant weekend free time.
I have had several other "events' that could have been breakdowns but I was able to fix them while we were stopped for sightseeing, eating, or cammping: fuel filter clogging, finicky headlight switch, vapor lock - solved that with heat shielding, vent cover broke off, broken throttle cable, kink in shifter cable, ign points needing replacement, etc.