Forum Discussion

jtad's avatar
Dec 04, 2015

broken water plug / anode

Went out to winterize my 2004 Holiday Rambler Endeavor yesterday. Started removing the water heater plug/ anode and it was a little stiff to remove but nothing bad. When I got it out the anode rod portion was still inside the heater, only the fatter plug part unscrewed. I had no idea that the anode rod was threaded on the end and was screwed into the plug and it appears to be tack welded on the end. I can not get the rod out, any suggestions?? The one picture below with the red arrow is not my plug buy an example of what I had before it broke the other two are what I am dealing with. I have had RV's for 20 years and have pulled the plug 20 times, never had this happen to me.. Any suggestions would be great...