Forum Discussion

robmharper's avatar
Mar 26, 2020

Buyers market?


First post here so I hope I didn't already make a mistake by misplacing the category.

We have owned a double slide truck camper for about 7 years now. We are heading down the path of a 40' DP MH. Our price range is $90K. My question for the group is do you feel the timing is good or bad for buying a DP?

I live in California and we are probably days away from interstate travel shutdowns. Already in the Bay Area, people are getting cited with misdemeanors for traveling the highways. We are ordered to shelter-in-place. My thought is that this may just ruin the RV market. We don't know how long this Covid-19 situation will last.

Since a good majority of the current sellers of DP's are older retired folks, I hate to think that we may be soon taking advantage of some really good deals out there, while also taking advantage of unfortunate people.

On the other end, maybe this is the worst time ever to be buying a MH given the park closures and travel restrictions. But living through the 2008 crisis, I remember losing 50% of the value of my home. This isn't going to be easy either way.

Good or bad time to buy a DP MH? Should I wait for what may be better deals down the road or hold off anwait to see if we can even use the darned thing?