We primarily camp off grid all the time with OFF-ROAD POPUP trailer. Even with this smaller camper one has to plan accordingly. You just can't just show up and be successful... We mostly camp within a couple hundred miles of Northern neck Virginia and occasionally make a family trip to Myrtle Beach and Gatlinburg Smoky Mtns...
We updated our batteries and other power savings things to run all the things we want to use when camping off-grid. Then we camp with the idea we will run down our battery to its 50% charge by 8Am each morning and then use our 2KW Honda generator connected to the the trailer to power up our batteries to their 90% charge state with a good three hour run on the generator... You have to be in a area where the use of the generator is allowed to do this... Some places have generator run time restrictions so that has to be planned as well... Sometimes we stay out for a couple of weeks with no problems... Finding Ice is usually our biggest problem haha
Very seldom see any Motorhome type units camping off grid here on the East side of the US. It is mostly tents, Popups,small TTs, TCs, Class Bs...
It seems there is two style of RV's... Those for RV Camping and those for RV Traveling which includes stop overs along the way...
Our OFF-ROAD camping is usually down a Forest Service road in one of the many Natl Forest areas here on the East side of the US. We love camping off-grid along the Virginia/West Virginia public access wooded state line and up and down the Blue Ridge parkway. Virginia has many public wooded lake areas to use as well... Some of our greatest camping as been in the high country in VA-NC-SC-GA-AL-TN... Some of the coastal places along the East Coast and South along the bay are good places too. Myrtle Beach has some great Beach camping places...
Out west is full of what is called DISPERSED camping areas but there isn't too many of those here on the East side of the US...
I guess if you can get the bigger Class As Motorhomes back off-road somewhere go and enjoy yourselves... No rules against it...
This is what we love to do...

Finding a secluded place along side a creek somewhere waking up each morning to good bon-fire and hot coffee watching the early fish jump is what we live for haha...
This is where all of your PLAN Bs come into play...
Roy Ken