Jan-06-2019 01:31 PM
Dec-17-2019 10:02 AM
bjbear wrote:hohenwald48 wrote:
I don't think this is a true statement. WD hitches do not change the tongue weight. They just redistribute that tongue weight among the available axles. If your tongue weight is 1400 pounds with a regular hitch it will still be 1400 pounds with a WD hitch. It will just be carried by different axles but there will still be 1400 pounds on the ball.
The only solution to the OP's problem is to move some weight further back in the trailer or move the trailer axle further forward.
I could be wrong but I don't think so.
If weight is moved to the axles, it must come off the hitch. In other words, the total weight of the vehicle and trailer do not change so if you move some of the weight to an axle, it must be reduced from the hitch.
Dec-17-2019 07:31 AM
hohenwald48 wrote:
I don't think this is a true statement. WD hitches do not change the tongue weight. They just redistribute that tongue weight among the available axles. If your tongue weight is 1400 pounds with a regular hitch it will still be 1400 pounds with a WD hitch. It will just be carried by different axles but there will still be 1400 pounds on the ball.
The only solution to the OP's problem is to move some weight further back in the trailer or move the trailer axle further forward.
I could be wrong but I don't think so.
Dec-17-2019 07:08 AM
old guy wrote:
a wdh will increase you tongue weight capability. most hitches will have a tag on them telling you what the limit is with and without the wdh.
Dec-17-2019 05:29 AM
Aug-05-2019 09:27 PM
oldave wrote:
The simple cheap answer is to get 2 or 3 bags of sand .
Put them in the in the rear of the trailer .
I don't think a WDH will confuse our air ride height at all
After the WDH has distriduted some weight mostly to the trailer
the air ride will adjust as necessaary .
My ride height system takes over after I start the engine .
How will it matter if the coach is already level ?
Now if you decide to dump the air or level the coach when you
park that may put a lot of stress on things .
Aug-05-2019 05:57 PM
Aug-04-2019 10:59 PM
Jan-23-2019 09:53 AM
hotjag1 wrote:Lancslad wrote:
Have you tried moving the trailer contents around to reduce the tongue weight?
The only two heavy items in the trailer are a side x side utv and a small suv(Suzuki grand Vitara).
With the Suzuki facing forward I have a tongue weight of close to 1500lbs. Iif I back it in so that the engine is behind the trailer axles, it puts the tongue weight at 1200 lbs. Too much weight unless I find out that my hitch is rated for more than the 1000lbs that I think it is.
Jan-15-2019 06:36 AM
Jan-15-2019 06:25 AM
discovery4us wrote:
Never used a WDH on the MH and have never seen one used on a MH with air bags. It would seem to me that any adjustment made to the WDH would be negated by the air system.
I typically don't hook up my cargo trailer with the MH running because it is too loud but the few times I have as soon as the tongue weight of the trailer is felt the air system pumps back up to level. Wouldn't this be the same effect of the WDH? As the air levels out the MH and trailer it is spreading some of the tongue weight to the front of the MH and some to the trailer axles. Being the center pivot point as you raise or lower the air suspension it should push some of the weight in either direction.
I have no experience with a WDH as I have always added air bags or upgraded springs to level trucks and trailers so I am probable missing something but I would think that you either need the air suspension or the WDH but not both.
Jan-15-2019 05:59 AM
Jan-14-2019 04:36 PM
Jan-14-2019 02:59 PM
larry cad wrote:tropical36 wrote:ACDNate wrote:
I'm not sure I understand why, those of you who said so, you don't think a wdh will help.
I've used a wdh with a trailer behind my truck and it significantly lightened the load on the rear end of the truck and put some weight back to the front axle.
Why would it not have the same affect here?
I've often asked the same question, but have never heard from anybody using one and giving the actual weight transfer.
It's gotta do something towards that goal, so the question is how much.
A WDH operates differently on a DP than on a spring supported chassis. The DP changes ride height of the DP automatically to compensate for additional weight on the coach. A WDH works to change the ride height of the vehicle it is attached to so that the rear doesn't drop with a heavy tongue weight.
In the end, all "parts" of the train weigh the same and the weight is distributed somewhere. If there is a weak link, and too much of the weight is distributed there, it will break. Since the DP automatically adjusts ride height, a WDH, which does the same thing, isn't necessary and may cause weight to be distributed to the wrong place when the DP readjusts what the WDH does when you crank on the spring bar.
Jan-14-2019 02:56 PM