I grease mine a couple of times a year. I lift the bed and brace it up, then remove the rear engine cover. I can reach mine that way. I can't see anything in that area, but I'm used to it so I can find it by feel. I use a small grease gun with a rigid nozzle, not a flexible hose. I had to grind one side off the grease nozzle on my little grease gun. This allows me to get the nozzle onto the zerk and push it straight down so it latches on. Then I give it about six pumps. After removing the nozzle, I use a rag to clean around the zerk to avoid getting grease on the serpentine belt.
I wish I could reach the zerk from the ground, but no way. And the place I take the coach for lube/oil change won't touch it, for fear of getting grease on stuff inside the coach. Probably a good thing.