Old-Biscuit wrote:
bycrackey wrote:
enblethen wrote:
Double throw circuit breakers are only used in specialized systems. They are not used in houses or MHs.
You are confusing them with wafer, thin, tandem breakers.
This should be what you have not necessarily a Square D.
Tandem circuit breaker.
This style is common.
Tandem breaker
Circuit breakers are the same as residential.
maybe in yours but not my 08 bus.the breakers are shorter than house breaker,s and about a inch wide and are double throw per breaker most likely referred to as tandum.they do not look like my S+B house breakers such as the pictures u listed
Double Throw???
Those are used to transfer loads from one source to another source
Tandem is a double single pole CB (know as cheaters) that take up one panel space and feed two different circuits---each with own on/off/trip
what I said "most likely tandum" single breaker with 2 feeds and there way different looking and size than any house breaker I have ever seen,used or delt with.That is the ones in my 08 ABDP are much different looking than my house to repeat myself
I admit I may be using the wrong terminology compared to a qualified electrical guy.All I know is this 1) the breakers in MY mh are different than any house breaker I have seen and 2) there all double
what iam saying is in my house the breakers are all mostly single 15 amp one throw.In my MH there all double throw which I assume is like two breakers in one assembly