One thing that I have noticed is 30 ft or less have limited storage and small fresh water tanks. I am in the same situation you are as how I plan to use the MH. I like the full basement storage with at least two pass thru's to store bikes, ladder, table etc., and at least 80 gals of fresh water. I have not found this in any 30ft or smaller MH. 32 ft seems to be the minimum to have these req's met. I just test drove a 2014 32ft Daybreak that had 3 pass thru's, and 100 gal FW tank. Some older model Daybreaks have the big rear pass thru's under the bed like you see on the ACE, FR3, Mirada MH's in addition to the full basement storage that these other do no have. I am still searching for other models that meet these regs.