I just recently purchased my first Class C. There were 2 main drivers behind that decision. 1) Generator(s). It was getting harder for me to deploy one or both of my Honda generators for a weekend of tailgating. For years and years we have had season tickets to my school's football season. With the Class C, all I have to do is start the generator from inside the RV. 2) I had gotten tired of backing my 27' trailer and pickup from the relatively narrow subdivision street and doing a 90 degree turn up my driveway. With the C, I can back it into my driveway unassisted.
Biggest draw back to the C is handling. I could drive the truck/trailer combo long distances and not be tired. That combo just handled so well. Not so much with the C. The nearly 500 mile one way drive with the C was much more tiring. There is definitely some major suspension work in the relatively near future.