Forum Discussion

Ford3316's avatar
Sep 30, 2016

Coach Captain Seat Reupolster

I could not find any post on this subject yet, however if there is one that I missed, I apologize in advance.
Has any one in the Northwest had their Captain Seat Reupholster before or know where to buy factory covers?
I hate the thought of spending $1k plus for new seats when ours are perfectly fine. I am hoping I can just get them recovered for a lot less. I don't like the looks of any of the after market covers.
Any help would be appreciated.
  • Upholstery is tricky business and if you watch "Fast & loud" you can see a bit behind the scenes.
    When I needed new skins for my motorhome restoration, Bay Area shops wanted arm and leg, so I bought discounted new chair on ebay, what added me electric controls as well.
    Later on I was making business trips to So CA and a shop in Pasadena area put new skin on passenger seat for very good price.
    Shop around as you can find lot of variations.
  • We reupholstered all of our motor home furniture including the captains chairs. We did the job ourselves. We used Ultra Leather Plus @ $19 per yard. The Plus has better abrasion resistance than the standard. I removed the existing fabric and my wife used that as patterns. Her small sewing machine she had in the motor home (we were full timers) couldn't handle the job and in AZ we couldn't find a machine that would handle it. She said she wished she had her machine that was in storage and I remembered some older machines in a junk store down the street from the RV park and I bought a White made in 1932 for $15. All metal parts and worked great.

    You have to be careful buying Ultra Leather - there are a lot of knock offs that are a much lower quality. They play games with the spelling of the name.
  • If they are Flexsteel, you can order new original covers and do them yourself.

    Lisa Bauer
    RV Customer Service
    Flexsteel Industries, Inc.

    T: 563.585.8356 | F: 563.583.2712
    A: 3400 Jackson St. | Dubuque, IA 52001
  • I did call I a local shop. I was quoted $575.00 each. Thats the reason for this post, looking for a place less expensive. Plus I am looking for input from people who have done this before.
  • Junction City has lots of RV services. Although I did not use them, I was recommended to use Millie's Draperies for reupholstery. So if you don't find a local shop, you might check out Millie's. I used Countryside Interiors for restuffing all my seating and am pretty satisfied. Not sure if they do new fabric.
  • You could also try a boat place as the people who they recommend recover boat seats and furniture too.