We took a three month trip, so I signed up for coach-net in case there were any problems. We had a problem with the fuel pump not getting power. I called them and found out that they could send someone out to look at it, but if it could not be repaired I would have to pay for the tow. The way the park was laid out it would have been a lot of work to get us out. I tried to explain the situation to the lady, but she said was not going to listen to anyone. I decided to save the tow as a last resort option and started checking for a good shop that would come out, and I found a very good shop. After I talked to the manager he sent his best electrical tech out. He did some checking, and got it started, and it was music to my ears when he said we got it started, now we need to find what caused the problem. It took a little of time, but he found a loose connection. I was really upset with coach net, and I feel paying for road service is a waste of money.